Yesterday, I began to go a little viral on Youtube since I started l'blog and l'youtube channel.
Senate Passes Bill Creating 'Copyright Czar'. link
A copyright czar??? Have you l'idiot americans not done enough damage in the world? Are you now giving war powers to enforce the evil mafia influenced business models of Hollywood and the RIAA????
Let's look at some of the idiocracy here in fine detail, shall we?
The legislation, unanimously approved on a consent vote, came as lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are scrambling to hammer out a $700 billion Wall Street bailout.EVIL! In the middle of the biggest l'idiot american financial tragedy in history, you concern yourselves to protect a mafia business model?
The executive and its office would be charged with creating a nationwide plan to combat piracy and "report directly to the president and Congress regarding domestic international intellectual property enforcement programs."
it's true, file sharing is not stealing. It's infringement, which comes with much higher fines (up to $150K per song) and potentially longer jail times than you'd get for stealing a CD.l'idiot American!
And it's true, file sharing is not stealing, however, in some cases, it can be considered infringement on copyright law, which comes with much higher fines (up to $150K per song) and potentially longer jail times than you'd get for stealing a CD.You must be an EMI records evil and stupid Sarah Palin supporter. Apologize to the people, Eliot Van Buskirk, for your misleading entry!
The $222,000 verdict against Jammy Thomas for copyright infringement by P2P is no more. U.S. District Court Judge Michael Davis dismissed the verdict, saying it was based on the faulty “making available” theory of distribution. Thomas will face a new trial, in which the RIAA will have to prove actual distribution.The decision means the RIAA now has zero wins at trial, Wired notes.
An ISP which was ordered by a court to stop illegal file-sharing on its network, says it simply can not. The Belgian ISP Scarlet says the court’s verdict is unworkable and after trying to slow traffic and also filter it, it says it’s not possible to stop the flow of illicit files since Audible Magic doesn’t work.L'idiots! You cannot prevent the free flow of information inside of l'internet! You idiots must embrace it's framework and upgrade your mafia business models!
A recently released study has claims that the current ‘Intellectual Property’ situation in the world is not working well. Driven by a fear of losing out, and bolstered by an attitude that profit is the aim of IP, progress is hampered. Not only by the entertainment industry, also in biotechnology where medicines are sometimes restricted or withheld, causing deaths.