This morning, after l'femme Pearl and l'femme Jazmine left my house after an late evening and early morning hot tub and mutual affection session, I went online and found a wonderful video, (see post below) called FILE SHARING is NOT STEALING. I blogged it as you l'idiot americans can read underneath.
I also did a Google search to see what other blogs may have found this video. I noticed that one of the blogs who found it was Wonderful, I thought, I should expect to read a similar elucidation on the topic, perhaps even rivaling my own, but what did I read instead from the writer, Eliot Van Buskirk???
it's true, file sharing is not stealing. It's infringement, which comes with much higher fines (up to $150K per song) and potentially longer jail times than you'd get for stealing a CD.l'idiot American!
Filesharing is NEITHER stealing NOR infringement. it is simply the free transfer of digital files computer to computer via a P2P network. Your article, if objective, should have stated
And it's true, file sharing is not stealing, however, in some cases, it can be considered infringement on copyright law, which comes with much higher fines (up to $150K per song) and potentially longer jail times than you'd get for stealing a CD.You must be an EMI records evil and stupid Sarah Palin supporter. Apologize to the people, Eliot Van Buskirk, for your misleading entry!